epiphany: a sudden, intuitive insight into the reality or essential meaning of something




willpower will only get you so far.

True & lasting transformation comes from a deeper place.

Discover your own epiphany and shift your life with transformation and embodiment coaching.

We work together to acknowledge the learnings brought about by past events and discharge negative emotions associated with the events. We finish the process by installing new beliefs and developing resources that keep your brain safe from repeating the old patterns which no longer serve you. Your new identity will be locked in with a personal embodiment protocol so you can live the life of your dreams now.

Woman on bed writing in her journal

One-on-One Coaching

Embodiment Protocol

This concentrated program digs deep into the underlying factors that are driving your current situation and provides a pathway to build clarity, peace, and resiliency. These personal breakthrough sessions are powerful!

Every client is provided with a personalized protocol for embodiment so they can become the best version of themselves now. This includes a variety of resources and tools for immediate implementation, fast results and lasting transformation.

hikers celebrating success

Community Building

Group classes, seminars and coaching programs build a community of people with the same goals of personal empowerment and evolution. Find and connect with growth minded people like yourself or bring a new prospective to your community.

Meet Your Coach

NLP Master Practitioner, Certified in Hypnotherapy and Quantum Time Technique

Hiya! I’m Diane.

I am a wife, mother, military veteran, life-long learner, and wisdom seeker. While there are many other words and phrases that describe me, I’m more than those labels. The most accurate statement I can make about myself is:

I am an accumulation of my life’s experiences.

I am a resiliency specialist and embodiment coach with a passion for empowering women to reconnect with their intuition. I am here to help you navigate up-leveling your life so you can experience your own “ah-hah!” epiphany moment through the power of

neuro linguistic programming (NLP).

"Every time I talk to Diane, I walk away feeling empowered, seen and heard. Diane is full of wisdom and she delivers it with the perfect balance of truth and love. If you get the chance to work with her, do it! Your life will be better because of it."

- Megan B.

Recipe Designer & Food Blogger

Client Feedback

"I had a powerful realization while we were going through the process of uprooting a limiting belief around intimacy that showed how it was presenting in other areas of my life."

- Sarah

Mom of littles

"Diane helped me to identify and clear the negative emotions and thoughts that were keeping me stuck. It was her gentle kindness that helped me feel safe enough to express things I normally keep hidden, and I am eternally grateful to her for helping me remember who I am. "

- Emily B.

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Epiphany for you Coaching

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